The Coral Lodge Family
The secret to our success lies with every single team member of our Coral Lodge Family.
It is easy for a lodge to acquire luxury interiors and finishes, but to find a genuinely passionate and proud team of staff that appreciates every single person that chooses to spend their holiday with us, is something unique and special.
For many, the success of our lodge is essential to the livelihoods of their families in our local communities, and our general Management team, Ricardo and Filipa, hold each staff member’s wellbeing extremely close to their hearts too.
Respect, love, personal growth, and motivation make the Coral Lodge magic happen.
On this page, we proudly feature all of our family members.
We have asked them to say what it is that they love most about working at Coral Lodge.

Position: Driver
From: Mocovolas
Started: 1 November 2008
“I have had a big improvement in my personal and professional life thanks to Coral Lodge. The family work environment is very good!

Zé Aguas
Position: Resident Tailor
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 1 April 2017
“I enjoy to make clothes for guests because they will have a memory of me and Coral Lodge forever”

Position: Head Barman/Waiter
From: Chocas-Mar
Started: 11 March 2011
“I love working at Coral Lodge because our managers care about the rights and duties of their staff. Something that unfortunately not happening everywhere”

Position: Barman/Waiter
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 3 May 2015
“The Love that we have from our managers is something out of this world and my work colleagues are amazing”

Position: Barman/Waiter
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 1 December 2017
“The private island picnic is my favourite thing to do, its a very special moment and place for our guests who really love it”

Position: Barman/Waiter
From: Chocas-Mar
Started: 1 September 2015
“Coral Lodge is a very famous place in Mozambique and we work as a Family!”

Position: Barman/Waiter
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 20 January 2017
“The appreciation that management and my colleagues give me its what i love more. I dont like when rains!”

Position: Head Chef
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 2 April 2012
“Ricardo and Filipa were the ones who believed in my potential and who gave me the opportunity, what can I say more? Ricardo its our “Old Monkey” of the kitchen i learn a lot with him”

Position: Cook
From: Mozambique Island
Started: 1 March 2017
“I feel at home, my collegues and my managers are amazing”

Position: Cook
From: Nacala
Started: 1 February 2017
“Managers, Team, Guest, Lodge… We have the best of the best!”

Position: Cook
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 1 May 2018
“Our team in the Kitchen is crazy and i love them all”

Position: Cook
From: Chocas-Mar
Started: 1 November 2016
“I´ve been learning a lot in Coral Lodge kitchen from my collegues my chef and managers”

Position: Cook
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 1 – February – 2017
“What I love most about working at Coral Lodge is that I’m working in the best kitchen of Mozambique!”

Position: Sub Chef
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 3 March 2011
“I’m at home what can I ask? I work in the best place of Mozambique doing the best food of Mozambique with the best team in the WORLD!”

Position: Head of Sailors
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 1 July 2013
“Whale watching its the best because guest always are very very happy, they have a story to tell when they go back home.”

Position: Sailors
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 1 – October – 2016
“I like when guest want to have sail lessons, I like to teach what I know well, and share my knowledge.”

Position: Barman/Waiter
From: Nacala
Started: 1 May 2018
“I love that I am given the opportunity to grow in positions and learn more every day.”

Position: Carpenter
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 1 March 2014
“I like to see the lodge full of guests because everyone is busy doing their job and everything runs well.”

Position: Head Carpenter
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 11 August 2011
“I really like to work with wood. We do pieces of art that are often commented on by guests, which is great.”

Position: Carpenter
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 1 – April – 2017
“Its a place where everyone works in peace and is happy”

Position: Gardener
From: Cabaceira Grande
Started: 1 – October – 2015
“I like to prepare flower details for guests arrival in their villas, as I know it makes them feel good “

Position: Gardener
From: Cabaceira Grande
Started: 1 March 2012
“August to December is the best time because it’s hot, and I don’t like the cooler weather. Our managers are the best thing we have here at the lodge!”

Position: Security
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 1 May 2010
“I like when it’s my turn to do day shift because I have more contact with guests, which makes my day”

Position: Sailor
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 1 November 2016
“I like to check the security of guests at all times, especially when they are swimming, making sure they are safe in the water and can swim well.”

Position: Housekeeping
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 1 November 2010
“Setting up the villas for Honeymoon guests and the surprises we put at night for our guests is my favourite part of my day.”

Position: Head of Laundry
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 1 January 2010
“I like a lot to make massage to guest because they stay more relax in the Lodge”

Position: Laundry
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 1 December 2017
“I like to prepare flowers for guest arrival, as it makes them feel very special, and always makes them smile.”

Position: Head of Maintenance
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 1 June 2012
“My colleagues and my managers are the best! I love working at Coral Lodge “

Cassimo Molde
Position: Head security
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 1 September 2014
“I like to welcome guests and do a presentation about what we do here in the lodge”

Momade Molde
Position: Head of Pool Area / Activities
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 1 May 2017
“I like to check the security of guest when they are doing cannoeing or paddle etc, its very important to have always 4eyes for guest”

Position: Head Housekeeping
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 1 June 2010
“I love to set up Vilas for Honeymoons because its amazing celebration for guest, its a love moment 🙂 Here at Coral Lodge we feel at home & family

Position: Laundry
From: Chocas-Mar
Started: 1 June 2018
“Im here only for 3 – 4 months but until now i dont have words”

Position: Housekeeping
From: Mozambique Island
Started: 1 August 2018
“Im newbie yet but im getting support from everyone, thanks to all”

Position: Cook
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 1 October 2015
“What i like more its cook the Staff Food, my name in the team is “Mama Nina” “

Position: Carpenter
From: Cabaceira Pequena
Started: 1 January 2015
“Im always happy doing my job but when we are full with guest im more happy then normal”